Authorization Endpoint controller implementation.
Debug Endpoint controller implementation.
Token Endpoint controller implementation.
Base ExceptionInterface for the OAuth2 component.
Shared grant type implementation.
Authorization code grant type implementation.
Client credentials grant type implementation.
OAuth2 grant type handler factory implemention.
OAuth2 grant type handler factory interface.
OAuth2 grant type handler interface.
Password grant type implementation.
Refresh token grant type implementation.
AccessToken in-memory implementation.
OAuth2 access token interface.
ModelManagerInterface in-memory implementation.
OAuth2 access token manager interface.
OAuth2 authorize interface.
OAuth2 authorize manager interface.
OAuth2 client interface.
OAuth2 client manager interface.
OAuth2 authorization code interface.
OAuth2 authorization code manager interface.
OAuth2 model interface.
OAuth2 model manager factory in-memory implemention.
OAuth2 model manager factory interface.
OAuth2 model manager interface.
OAuth2 refresh token interface.
OAuth2 refresh token manager interface.
OAuth2 scope interface.
OAuth2 scope manager interface.
Shared resource type implementation.
Token response type implementation.
Model response type handler implementation.
OAuth2 resource type handler factory implemention.
OAuth2 resource type handler factory interface.
OAuth2 resource type handler interface.
Shared response type implementation.
Code response type handler implementation.
OAuth2 response type handler factory implemention.
OAuth2 response type handler factory interface.
OAuth2 response type handler interface.
Token response type implementation.
OAuth2 service provider as plugin for Silex SecurityServiceProvider.
ResourceProvider implements OAuth2 resource endpoint authentication.
TokenProvider implements OAuth2 token endpoint authentication.
OAuth2 AccessToken for resource endpoint authentication.
OAuth2 ClientCredentialsToken for token endpoint authentication.
ResourceListener implements OAuth2 resource endpoint authentication.
TokenListener implements OAuth2 token endpoint authentication.
Validates whether the value is a valid access_token per RFC 6749.
Validates whether the value is a valid client_id per RFC 6749.
Validates whether the value is a valid client_secret per RFC 6749.
Validates whether the value is a valid code per RFC 6749.
Validates whether the value is a valid error_description per RFC 6749.
Validates whether the value is a valid error_uri per RFC 6749.
Validates whether the value is a valid error per RFC 6749.
Validates whether the value is a valid expires_in per RFC 6749.
Validates whether the value is a valid grant_type per RFC 6749.
Validates whether the value is a valid password per RFC 6749.
Validates whether the value is a valid redirect_uri per RFC 6749.
Validates whether the value is a valid refresh_token per RFC 6749.
Validates whether the value is a valid response_type per RFC 6749.
Validates whether the value is a valid scope per RFC 6749.
Validates whether the value is a valid state per RFC 6749.
Validates whether the value is a valid token_type per RFC 6749.
Validates whether the value is a valid username per RFC 6749.
Shared token type implementation.
Bearer token type handler implementation.
MAC token type handler implementation.
OAuth2 grant type handler factory implemention.
OAuth2 token type handler factory interface.
OAuth2 token type handler interface.